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Found in Madagascar, Africa, this small tenrec is the only mammal known to use stridulation for generating sound ?
something that’s usually associated with snakes and insects. (Image credits: hakoar | telegraph.co.uk)
As this hawk-moth feeds on flowers and makes a similar humming sound, it looks a lot like a hummingbird.
What’s interesting is that it is surprisingly good at learning colors. (Image credits: Jerzy Strzelecki | unknown)
Also known as the blue dragon, this creature is a is a species of blue sea slug.
You could find it in warm waters of the oceans, as it floats on the surface because of a gas-filled sac in its stomach.
(Image credits: unknown | unknown | paulhypnos)
Also called the “sea locusts“, “prawn killers” and even “thumb splitters”,
this is one of the most common predators in tropical and sub-tropical waters; little is known about them, however,
because of how much time they spend hiding in their burrows. (Image credits:Alexander Safonov)
Discovered in Venezuela in 2009, this new species of alien-looking moth is still poorly explored.
Waiting for more info about them! (Image credits: Arthur Anker | imgur) ?
번호 | 제목 | 글쓴이 | 날짜 | 조회 수 |
공지 | 자유게시판 공지사항입니다. 10 | 씨즈 | 2013.07.10 | 496301 |
2389 | 순간포착 생죤 | 승호사랑 | 2013.12.12 | 32947 |
2388 | 눈이 오네요 3 | 화랑유혼 | 2013.12.12 | 30535 |
2387 | ㅠㅠ 죄송해용~ | 눈물님 | 2013.12.12 | 39858 |
2386 | 안녕하세요 5 | 어대장 | 2013.12.11 | 35354 |
2385 | 깨끗한 가정환경을 만들어 드립니다 3 | 손종원 | 2013.12.11 | 36070 |
2384 | 손으로 그린 아름다운 여인들 ~~~ 4 | 승호사랑 | 2013.12.11 | 36036 |
2383 | 동영상 어케 올리나요? 8 | 승호사랑 | 2013.12.11 | 28010 |
2382 | 종료인가요 5 | 미경이 | 2013.12.11 | 31341 |
2381 | 정말 신기한 동물들 (4) 4 | 승호사랑 | 2013.12.11 | 288142 |
2380 | 석유난로 샀어용~ 6 | 눈물님 | 2013.12.11 | 31228 |
2379 | 라라아쿠아 정말 친절하신거 같습니다. 8 | 어른아이 | 2013.12.10 | 36600 |
2378 | 어린아이 키우는 집에 화장지는 어떻게 걸어놔야 할까요? 5 | 눈물님 | 2013.12.10 | 29890 |
2377 | 겨울철에 물생활 최대에 적 전기요금 10 | 승호사랑 | 2013.12.10 | 40132 |
2376 | 정말 신기한 동물 (3) 4 | 승호사랑 | 2013.12.10 | 55249 |
2375 | 해변가 도시 (고화질 와이드) 1 | 눈물님 | 2013.12.10 | 39099 |
2374 | 바닷가 (고화질 와이드) | 눈물님 | 2013.12.10 | 29886 |
2373 | 야경 (고화질 와이드) 6 | 눈물님 | 2013.12.10 | 38187 |
2372 | 퓌곤하네요 ......ㅜㅜ | 권작 | 2013.12.09 | 42625 |
» | 정말 신기한 동물들 (2) 4 | 승호사랑 | 2013.12.09 | 92747 |
2370 | 하드디스크 절전기능 사용하시나요?? 13 | 눈물님 | 2013.12.09 | 67514 |
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