Found in Madagascar, Africa, this small tenrec is the only mammal known to use stridulation for generating sound ?
something that’s usually associated with snakes and insects. (Image credits: hakoar |
As this hawk-moth feeds on flowers and makes a similar humming sound, it looks a lot like a hummingbird.
What’s interesting is that it is surprisingly good at learning colors. (Image credits: Jerzy Strzelecki | unknown)
Also known as the blue dragon, this creature is a is a species of blue sea slug.
You could find it in warm waters of the oceans, as it floats on the surface because of a gas-filled sac in its stomach.
(Image credits: unknown | unknown | paulhypnos)
Also called the “sea locusts“, “prawn killers” and even “thumb splitters”,
this is one of the most common predators in tropical and sub-tropical waters; little is known about them, however,
because of how much time they spend hiding in their burrows. (Image credits:Alexander Safonov)
Discovered in Venezuela in 2009, this new species of alien-looking moth is still poorly explored.
Waiting for more info about them! (Image credits: Arthur Anker | imgur) ?
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